Being a multinational supplier related to Training, Coaching, Implementation, Guidance & Permanent Education and Assessments, we live up to the highest standards throughout the world. Besides guiding your organisation effectively on many levels, it is possible to audit your organisation, preceding to our guiding. We recently have audited automotive originations on captive level and have run an European audit in the hotel and retail industry.
It is not only about being compliant and competent. The proper combination with our expertise facilitates you and your people.
ProTurn has created revolutionary online support tools in the MyProTurn online environment and apps. Within these tools frequent updates are being run so all users always have up-to-date information. It is also possible to upload the users own selection of sheets, data, video footages etc. For managers and key-stakeholders in your organisation you have all details, reports, certificates and permanent education programs at your fingertips. MyProTurn has been valued by many multinational companies as one of the most progressive Online Learning & Development platform in the world.
Your management information related to our activities will be transparent and easy to follow.
Interested in our audit services?
We audit the trainer, coaches and Interim Professionals; we organise frequent intervision sessions in order to continue to serve our clients with the latest proven methods to guide our customers in more than 20 countries.